Friday, October 11, 2019

Important Publication of Official Statistics

Important Publication of Official Statistics A few important publications containing official statistics for general use are given below: Statistical abstract of India: This annual publication is brought out by the CSO and contains the statistics of various sectors of the Indian economy at least for the last five years. This also gives state-wise statistics at least for the last year. India- Pocketbook economic information: This publication is brought out annually by the Ministry of Finance. It deals with the various aspects of economy particularly financial, foreign aid and international economic comparisons.Basic statistics relating to Indian economy: This is brought out by the statistics and surveys division of planning commission on an annual basis. It contains basic indicators on various aspects of economy for a number of back years on time series basis. India- a reference manual: This is published annually by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting and it contains informat ion on various aspect of Indian economy. Estimation of National Product, savings and capital formation- This is generally known as a white paper on national income and is published annually by the CSO.It ontains estimates of national income, savings, capital formation and consumption, expenditure together with national and public sector accounts. Agriculture situation in India: This is published by the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperation (Directorate of Economics and Statistics) on a monthly basis. This publication contains all available current statistics together with notes and articles on the assessment of current agriculture situation in the country. Available district- wise data is also reported from time to time. Monthly statistics on production of selected industries in India: This publication ofCSO contains data on output, capacity and index numbers and several other variables relating to more than 90 industries. Reserve Bank of India Bulletin: This is published by the R BI on a monthly basis and it contains elaborated data on various aspects of Indian economy including a detailed data on currency and finance situation. Economic survey: This is published annually by the Department of Economics Affair and Ministry of Finance on the eve of the presentation of budget. The document contains an elaborated review of all aspects of Indian economy. Banking statistics- Basic Statistical returns: This is published twice in a year by the

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